All video can see in my youtube


-1 kg flour
-500 ml of milk
-4 eggs
-250 g of sugar
-50 g butter
-50 ml of oil
-50 gr of fresh yeast
-the lemonade, the orange peel,
-a pinch of salt

-rahat cut cubes (about 250 gr)
-3 tablespoons of cocoa
-1 vial with the essence of rum
-4 egg whites
-250 gr ground nut
-100 gr raisins

COZONAC WITH NUCA AND CACAO. Method of preparation
All ingredients should be kept at room temperature at least one day before cooking. Make a yeast from yeast, 1 tablespoon of flour and 100ml of warm milk. Let it grow until it doubles its volume in a warm place. Separate the yolks of yolks. The yolks rub them with sugar and salt until they are white. Heat the milk and put it over the yolks. Mix well until no more sugar is felt. Add the essence of rum and lemon and orange peel. In a stacked pot, add the sliced flour 2-3 times. We put it in the middle. Add the milk and the mauve and stir until the milk is incorporated. Also in this dough we can add raisins soaked in rum.

Heat the butter and oil and put a little bit, until it is incorporated into the dough, and it does not stick anymore. Cover the dough and leave it warm, about 40-45 minutes, in a warm place. Mix the egg whites with sugar until it no longer feels like a marsh. Add cocoa and homogenize with a spoon from the bottom up. Add the chopped nut and mix well. After the dough has grown, it is divided into two parts.

The first part is divided into two. Each one is made of cocoa and nutmeg. We're on top and shit. Run and roll both rolls. The same is done with the remaining dough.

Put them in the baked cake with baking paper or oil and flour and let them grow for about 30 minutes. Once it has grown, it is anointed with an egg mixed with 2 tablespoons of sugar and put in the oven for about 40-45 minutes, until it is browned on the top.

Attention, do not open the oven door in the first half hour, otherwise we risk leaving the composition. Remove and let cool a little, then remove it from the tray.

Mod de preparare
Toate ingredientele trebuiesc tinute la temperatura camerei cu cel putin o zi inainte de preparare. Se face o maia din drojdie,1 lingura de faina si 100ml lapte caldut. Se lasa sa creasca pana isi dubleaza volumul,intr-un loc caldut. Separam albusurile de galbenusuri. Galbenusurile le frecam cu zaharul si un praf de sare pana se albesc. Incalzim laptele si il punem peste galbenusuri. Amestecam bine pana nu se mai simte zaharul. Adaugam esenta de rom si coaja de lamaie si portocala. Intr-un vas incapator adaugam faina cernuta de 2-3 ori.Facem o gropita la mijloc. Adaugam laptele si maiaua si framantam pana se incorporeaza laptele tot. Tot in acest aluat putem adauga stafide inmuiate in rom.

Incalzim untul si uleiul si punem cate un pic, pana se incorporeaza tot in aluat, iar acesta nu se mai lipeste. Acoperim aluatul si il lasam la crescut, circa 40-45 de minute, la loc calduros. Mixam albusurile cu zahar, pana cand acesta nu se mai simte si capata consistenta unei bezele. Adaugam cacaoa si omogenizam cu o lingura de jos in sus. Adaugam nuca tocata si amestecam bine. Dupa ce aluatul a crescut, se imparte in doua parti.

Prima parte se imparte si ea in doua. Pe fiecare se pune din amestecul de cacao si nuca. Punem deasupra si rahat. Se ruleaza si se impletesc ambele rulouri. La fel se procedeaza si cu aluatul ramas.

Se pun in tava de cozonac tapetata cu hartie de copt sau unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu faina si se lasa sa mai creasca circa 30 de minute. Dupa ce a crescut se unge cu un ou amestecat cu 2 linguri de zahar si se introduce la cuptor circa 40-45 de minute, pana se rumeneste frumos deasupra.

Atentie,nu se deschide usa de la cuptor in prima jumatate de ora, altfel riscam sa se lase compozitia. Se scoate si se lasa la racit un pic, apoi il scoatem din tava.
