Cum am facut +700$ in 6 ore/How did I make $ 700 in 6 hours? EN/RO

How did I make $ 700 in 6 hours?
For those who do not know, I am a semi-professional poker player, and lately I've been improving my game more and more. I have succeeded, as you see in this video a place 1, a place 7 and a place of 15 so + 700 $ in just 6 hours. Keep an eye on me and ask me about this game. I will help you with pleasure. I wish you a great day.

Pentru cine nu stie sunt jucator semiprofesionist de poker ,iar in ultimul timp imi perfectionez jocul din ce in ce mai mult.Am reusit ,dupa cum vedeti in acest video un loc 1 ,un loc 7 si un loc 15 deci +700$ in doar 6 ore.Fiti cu ochii pe mine si intrebati-ma orice despre acest joc .Va voi ajuta cu placere.Va doresc o zi minunata.
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